Our Commitment to Sustainability

Supporting Local Communities

We work with local guides, operators and organizations in the communities we visit to ensure we have a positive income on their economies and quality of life. We take active steps to minimize the impact we have on our host communities.

Supporting Conservation Projects

We passionately believe that sustainable and responsible travel to Colombia’s richest birding areas has a key role to play in helping conserve these areas and their species. We support grass roots efforts by local communities to protect the ecosystems they live in.

We follow the code of Birding Ethics

All our guides have been trained to follow the code of birding ethics put forth by the American Birding Association (ABA). We strive to minimize the impact we have on the birds in the natural areas we visit.

Supporting Conservation through Education

By inspiring more people in Colombia to value and protect the natural world, we are laying the foundation for future conservation. We find this is most significant with the younger generations.