This tour starts at a prolific wetland area in the Cauca Valley in search of an assortment of dry forest species as well as shorebirds and aquatic birds. The Sonso Lagoon is one of Colombia’s largest wetland reserves and home to Little and Dwarf Cuckoos, Jet Antbird, Blackish Rail and even the elusive Horned Screamer. With luck one may encounter endemics such as Bar-crested Antshrike, and the endemics Apical Flycatcher and Grayish Piculet.
At the world-renown Rio Blanco Reserve near Manizales, there are excellent chances for some of the antpittas, plus many other cloud forest and montane birds. After more ascending, one can soak in hot springs overlooking the scenic Central Andes, and look for species adapted to high elevations in Los Nevados National Park with the beautiful Nevado del Ruiz as a backdrop. The route then descends to the Otun-Quimbaya Sanctuary in search of the endemic Cauca Guan and for the best views in the world of Red-ruffed Fruitcrow.
We then return to Cali to enjoy the KM 18 and San Antonio Cloud Forest, which provide an excellent introduction to birding in the Colombian Andes. More than 100 years ago, Frank Chapman, of the American Museum of Natural History, spent some time researching the bird diversity of this forest, which concluded in the first detailed bird survey for Colombia. The birding in the area is amazing, with mixed-species flocks of Multicolored, Purplish-mantled, Scrub and Golden-naped Tanagers foraging alongside Scaled Fruiteater, Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonias and Golden-headed and Crested Quetzal.
Apart from a visit to an active Andean Cock-of-the-rock lek, this tour dips into the humid forests of the Pacific lowlands in the San Cipriano Reserve, where the habitat and the species differ dramatically from those in the Andean Cloud forests.
Another destination is the Upper Anchicaya Valley, in one of the most biodiverse national parks in the planet: Farallones NP. Found along The Old Buenaventura Road, which descends from the western Andes to the Pacific Ocean, the area is one of Colombia’s newest destinations to open up to birding, and is AMAZING.
The road provides a mind-boggling diversity of birds and is such that it inspired Steve Hilty to start work on his Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia. This was the first ornithological field guide for South America and inspired a myriad of ornithologists in the continent.

Tour Dates

JUNE 25 – JULY 9 2026
JUNE 25 – JULY 9 2027

  • (15 Days / 14 Nights)

Tour Price

US$5,295 USD per person
Double Occupancy
Single Supplement $995 USD

  • Limited to 8 Participants

Tour leader

You will be accompanied the entire tour by one of our Talented, Bilingual, Professional Birding Guides. Please let us know if there is a certain member of our team that you would like to have with you during your tour.

  • Visit the surreal Paramo Ecosystem where you will bird above 3,500 meters in search of the endemic Buffy Helmetcrest.
  • Visit the cloud forests of the Rio Blanco Reserve near Manizales.
  • Spend a week at Araucana Lodge, touted as one of the best birding lodges in Colombia and strategically located to access some of Colombia’s best birding destinations.
  • Bird the Anchicaya Watershed, an area that inspired the first Bird ID guide for South America.
  • Enjoy the feeders at KM 18, where more than 22 species of hummingbirds have been recorded.
  • Visit an active Andean Cock-of-the-rock Lek.
  • Take an exhilarating rail ride in the Pacific Lowlands where you will bird close to sea level in search of lowland species.
Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan
  • Day 1: Arrive in Cali. Transfer to the city of Buga.
  • Day 2: Sonso Lagoon and drive to Manizales
  • Day 3: Rio Blanco Nature Reserve
  • Day 4: Owl's Watch Nature Reserve
  • Day 5: Hacienda El Bosque and Travel to Termales del Ruiz
  • Day 6: Los Nevados National Park
  • Day 7: Los Nevados National Park to Pereira via Tinamu Nature Reserve
  • Day 8: Otun Quimbaya National Park
  • Day 9: Pereira to Araucana Lodge via the National Grape Park
  • Day 10: Cloud Forests of Km 18 and the San Antonio Forest
  • Day 11: Upper Anchicaya Watershed and Doña Dora's Place
  • Day 12: Araucana Lodge
  • Day 13: Pacific Lowlands at San Cipriano Nature Reserve
  • Day 14: Atuncela Dry Forest
  • Day 15: Depart Cali
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    For more information, questions, availability or to register for a Colombia Birdwatch tour, please contact Christopher Calonje at:

    USA: (541) 891-9394
    Toll free USA and Canada: 1-855-631-8907
    Colombia: (57) 318-5942891